New Jersey's Bully Pulpit

New Jersey Governor Chris “Krispy Kreme” Christie appeared on Meet The Press Sunday as Romney’s surrogate to continue the attacks on Gingrich.  There’s something unseemly about Romney’s continuing strategy to keep his own hands clean while sending out his attack pitbull to do his dirty work. In the video clip below, Krispy calls Gingrich an embarrassment to the Republican Party, but looking at him, this may yet beg a question he probably wouldn’t care to prompt on the subject of embarrassments. It’s true to say that Gingrich has had his problems, but this statement by Christie is obnoxious. It would be great if Romney had the…intestinal fortitude to make these attacks on his own.

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This man is full of…himself, isn’t he?  Frankly, to say that Gingrich “has never run anything” is a dishonest statement, unless the windbag from New Jersey considers the US House of Representatives insignificant.

I reported to you earlier Sunday morning that the war on Gingrich would begin, and that the establishment and media would work together to destroy Gingrich. That didn’t take long.

I can only imagine a Gingrich response: “Only among the entrenched establishment of the GOP is it possible to view a land-slide victory in a South Carolina primary as an ’embarrassment. This is what is wrong with that wing of the Republican party: They don’t know how to win.”